is the specialist in providing high quality hurricane preparation
products for the most economical cost. Our customization questionnaire ensures that
purchases are made for exactly what the customer needs, with no product leftover;
customization like this saves money by preventing wasted product. Equally cost effective
is the insurance incentives many companies are offering for homeowners who install
hurricane shutters. Moreover, our shutters are suitable for both doors and windows,
ensuring the security of the entire home, as well as providing the ease of one-stop
shopping convenience. Shuttering doors, especially French doors, sliding glass doors,
and even double doors, is essential; a number of building failures during Hurricane
Andrew were due to doors failing. Because we ship directly from the manufacturer
to our customers, we are able to offer the lowest cost possible. Additionally, DIY
installation eliminates the necessity of paying for an installer and rearranging
your schedule for their convenience. DIY Hurricane Supply offers tech support 9am-9pm
EST every day, but we are available 24/7 by appointment - how many other stores
would change their hours for your convenience?
Furthermore, since DIY Hurricane Supply shutters are temporary, they do not alter
the aesthetics of your home. This is a benefit to homeowners who take pride in the
appearance of their home, while the simple storage (much smaller storage space compared
to plywood) provides the convenience customers desire. Similarly, the simple installation
is another aspect of our products' convenience - a single person can complete the
installation without assistance. Our manual design further ensures safety, security,
and convenience because it can be installed and uninstalled during power outages,
which are frequently an issue during hurricane prep and clean up. Moreover, the
Lexan and combination shutters make clean up easier by providing natural lighting
inside during power outages; if residents are not in an evacuation area, this is
equally useful while weathering the storm.
Most importantly, the safety of our hurricane shutters is superior to many other
styles of shutters. Our shutter panels are tested to winds up to 150 mph (this protects
against the winds of a Category 4 hurricane), and meet many municipal codes and
regulations. Likewise, we offer hardware that meets BOCA (aka NBC or IBC) requirements.
Many homeowners try to save money by using plywood shutters, but they often don't
know that plywood shutters do not meet local codes and regulations. Safety and security
should never be something sacrificed for cost, which is why we offer superior quality
for less! In fact, our shutters exceed the regulations set after Hurricanes Hugo
and Andrew, which specify protection versus 110 mph winds; our shutters are tested
to 150 mph winds. The experts at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association
point out that most of the building failures during Andrew were a result of the
lack of storm shutters;
the pressure that builds up within a home from a broken window or door will often
result in roof or internal wall failure. The other problem is that plywood merely
covers the glass, while the frame is as much at risk for failure as the glass itself.
Our shutters protect the whole window structure. Proper installation is an important
aspect of the effectiveness of any safety or security measure, so we also offer
multiple installation options for the most effectual protection possible.
Finally, state and local legislation has changed in
recent years to require the installation of shutters in certain situations. Florida
law, for example, requires the installation of hurricane shutters when a roof is
being repaired, or when a building permit is issued; if this process is not followed,
the homeowner risks losing homeowner's insurance on the property. Check your local
state and municipal legislation to ensure compliance with all guidelines.